A Message From Willy G

A veteran is a word that simply means someone who is experienced in a field. But in our country, we also call those men and women who serve (or have previously served) in our military and in any branch a veteran.

Most of us remember September 11, 2001. One of the most striking things about the days following were the men and women who stepped up to protect our country. Why? Because they saw the threat of evil in this world and wanted to shield others from danger.

No matter your political affiliation or stance on the War on Terror, we can all agree that the men and women who serve deserve our thanks. One beautiful way to say “Thank You” is to pray for them.

Veterans certainly have their struggles, and we cannot know the depths of what they go through on a daily basis.

Prayer is a way for us to say thank you and let them know we have not forgotten them. As we pray for our veterans, maybe one of the following prayers will help you put into words what is on your heart.

A Prayer for those Who Have Lost Loved Ones in Service

For those who have lost loved ones because of war, prayer can bring healing to the family members who remain. Since 2006, over 16,000 U.S. soldiers have died while in active duty. That’s over 16,000 families and loved ones still missing their son or daughter; wife or husband; brother or sister.
Heavenly Father who sees all of the hurt, comfort the hearts of those who have lost loved ones in the military. It might seem to us “unfair,” but You are the God who ordains our days. Let us remember those families are still grieving today. Remind them of Your love for them. Their loss provides for us a safe place to live and worship You. Keep those families close to Your heart today. Comfort them and let them know we do not forget their loved one’s sacrifice. Amen.